
This is the start of our journey, a new journey, for us as a family. We are a small family business based in Lake Hawea, Wanaka, New Zealand. We create hand crafted inlay jewellery, Coconut wax candles infused with essential oils and assorted one-off wood crafts.

With our products we can smile and look at them and say “We created this”. Each ring is wholly unique, like no other. Each candle has an intention, an emotion, a reason for burning it.

We hope to create a legacy for our daughter, something that we can hand over to her as she grows older. Something we can nurture as a family and grow into a community of like minded people.

Please view our products, if you have ideas we would like to hear them. Do you want to name a candle or have a signature ring? Your input is welcome.

Happy shopping - Adam, Kylie and Thea

Exotic Inlay Rings

Designed and crafted in a garage, but with looks to take on the world


Time for something different?

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A galaxy of stars in a ring?

This Blue Goldstone is incredible for sparkling. It reflects light off thousands of tiny facets in the stone.

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Fancy something a little different?

This beautiful ring is a mix of Gorse with a Black Fire Opal inlay. Looking amazing when the opal catches the sunlight.

The wood used in my products is either hand collected from fallen trees or recycled from old buildings.

The wood I use that I don’t collect is sourced, recycled from local suppliers.

My Paua shell and Greenstone is sourced from a local supplier. Keeping as much local as I can.

The Crystals are all from New Zealand Small Businesses, Local supporting Local.